The Ancient Oracle


Have you ever heard something that seemed out-of-place or downright weird, yet found that it hooked your mind to the point that you

reflect on it repeatedly and continue to wonder about its true meaning?


What you may have encountered is what was in Old English known as wyrd (a term that described 'fate' and 'destiny' [in Norse

mythology, the Old Norse variant is even the name of the one of the Norns – Urðr]). Linguistically, the roots of the term (wyrd) extend

beyond Latin (vertere ['they twist', 'they reverse' and 'they translate' {among other meanings}]) to Sanskrit (vártate ['to be' and 'to

exist' {among other meanings}]).


Creating and interpreting wise, weird and wonderful sayings has been a feature of the human spiritual landscape for millennia and it

has taken many forms (including psychotic or drug-induced rantings of temple prostitutes, philosophical dialogues offered by Aristotle

and the exegesis of Philo of Alexandria). Setting aside those that are influenced by psychosis or drugs, sage-like commentaries, guidance

and interpretations like those produced by 'The Ancient Oracle' are timelessly relevant and intended to facilitate individual and

collective spiritual growth in ways that contribute to a meaningful and productive life.


One such example (integrated with a design by Katsushika Hokusai [c. 1760 – 1849; Japanese artist, ukiyo-e painter and printmaker]) is

shown below.







In addition to preparing and interpreting such weird, wise and wonderful sayings (including Personalized Oracles), 'The Ancient Oracle'

contributes fiction, nonfiction and poetry to traditional print and online magazines internationally including those noted below.







Soulful Verses



It's Crystal Clear




2023: Winter



Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove

Issue 3 (2023)


Descendants of Darkness



The Sufi under the Mystical Moon



Harbinger Asylum

August (2023)


Poetry Potion

2023: August 18, February 9 and January 17 and 3

The Petal Pages



Cajun Mutt Press

2023: June 14 and March 20


Written Tales

2023: Volume IX and Volume VII (and July 11 and April 6)



The Power of Hope



The Compass

Issue 5 (2023)


Darkness in me




2023: Issues 23 and 21



June 5 (2023)

Tenth Muse

Volume XIII (2023)

The Misty Cauldron



New Note Poetry

2023: New Note Poetry 2022 Anthology

Hive Avenue

Volume VII (2023)

Poetry on Life


Literary Cocktail Magazine

Spring (2023)

The MockingOwl Roost

2023: April 15 and January 7



2023: April 15



Volume 2 (2023)


The Melting Pot

Volume 3 (2023)


The BeZine

March 16 (2023)




Rhapsodies of Rhyme


The Viridian Door

Issue 2 (2023)



February 9 (2023)


The California Poppy Times

Volume 8 (2023)


Concorso Parnaso

January 27 (2023)


The Way of the Crow



Our Changing Earth



Coalition for Digital Narratives

January  (2023)


Topical Poetry

January 1 (2023)





December 31 (2022)


Literary Yard

December 27 (2022)


The Seattle Star

2022: December 26 and September 14


Issue 12 (2022)

Literary Heist

December 20 (2022)


2022: Winter, Autumn and Summer


Poetry Potion

2022: November 20, October 25 and September 25 and 12


Cajun Mutt Press

2022: December 26

Written Tales

2022: Volume V (and November 21)


2022: Issues 19, 18 and 16

New Note Poetry

2022: Winter and Spring


The Melting Pot

Volume 1 (2022)


Contemporary Poems 2022


Otherwise Engaged Literary and Arts Journal

Volume 10 (2022)





Unveil the Memories



Inlandia: A Literary Journey

Volume 13 (Fall [2022])


Rue Scribe

November 11 (2022)


My Unheard September




The Graveyard Zine

Issue 4 (2022)



The Antonym

September 30 (2022)


Mercury Retrograde

September 16 (2022)


Sea or Seashore


Revue {R}évolution

Spring (2022)

Sea or Seashore


Midsummer's Eve


Paranormal Whispers



Love, Loss and Cardiac Issues



Issue 4 (2022)



Volume 1 (2022)


Goatshed Magazine

Inaugural Issue (2022)


Summer Fireflies


The Poet

July (2022)

Poetry for Ukraine

2022: June 14 and May 30


The black haven



Blue Unicorn

Fall (2022)


War scars in my heart



Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts

Vol. XXX, Issue 11, No. 355 (2022)


Ink the Universe



Mother, a title just above queen



Still, I rise


The Nature of Things

Inaugural Issue (2022)


Oxymorons and poets



Red Door Magazine

Issue 30 (2022)


Erotica of eternity



New World Writing

February 5 (2022)


Let's begin again



Garden of poets



My Glorious Quill






Click on the hyperlinks embedded in the titles above to explore their published material or, after their collections have been

published, make purchases through Amazon by following the links below.









To purchase a copy, click on the

hyperlink embedded in the image

above and order through Amazon.


Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring is a coloring book

for adults with a twist. It presents timeless, relevant and

entertaining poetic commentaries with over 40 specially

designed illustrations prepared by the author using

text-to-image AI programs informed by the poetry.


Color variants of the designs appear with the poetry and

grayscale variants are shown separately. Intended to

provide an immersive and interactive meditative

experience, the collection will nourish the mind and



Beginner and advanced colorists alike will find the range

of illustrations satisfy, challenge and extend their skills –

and provide ample opportunity to reflect on the matters

explored in both the text and images.


The poetry shown includes a portion of the author’s works

that were first published in online and traditional print

anthologies and magazines including: POETiCA REViEW;

Impspired; New Note Poetry; The Antonym; Written Tales;

Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts; Wingless Dreamer

anthologies (My Glorious Quill, Garden of poets, Still, I rise,

Let’s begin again, Oxymorons and poets, Midsummer’s Eve,

War scars in my heart,  Mother, a title just above queen,

Ink the Universe, The Black Haven, Summer Fireflies,

Paranormal Whispers and Sea and Seashore); MindFull,

New World Writing; Red Door Magazine; A Poem A Day;

Mercury Retrograde; Family; and Soul.






Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 11/07/23