Thou to be?


This work was published in The Sufi under the Mystical Moon (2023) a Wingless Dreamer anthology that has been listed with

Amazon (the relevant link is embedded in the image below).







Thou to be?


Obstructing, denouncing, dying, impoverished or evil?

Hiding oneself and suffering.


The moon?

Brilliant and illuminating …

raise one’s clear and unequivocal voice.


Vacuous, fraudulent or devoid of sense?

A coffin.


The optimal potential in each emerging moment?

Only light …

it really is extraordinary, sublime and mindful.


Secrecy, mystery and being obstruse?

A shadow –

an echo

for the purpose of reaching and extend extending evil …

places turbulent, drastic and irritating.


Growing, beginning, preparing or causing

genuine emotion, love and reason?

Affecting, responsive, perceptive and grateful –

institutions to love deeply and rely upon …

bewitching, infatuating and charming.


We really compete to invite or to ask thou

to become immersed in existence and living.


The Moon?



The universe?

Glory and honour –

moderate, apt, successful and heartfelt –

approaching existence and living.


The Moon?

Certainly various aspects braiding, knitting or weaving thou.


The target?

The wizardry known as “worthy creativity”.




Later, it will also appear in a subsequent anthology.






Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 09/01/23