The Meaning of Psyche



This work was first published in Paranormal Whispers (2022) a Wingless Dreamer anthology that has been available through

Amazon (the link to the listing is embedded in the image below).







The Meaning of Psyche

Psyche –
also known as Lepida
or The Oracle
(and referred to by the personal pronouns ‘they’, ‘them’ and ‘their’) –
sat down to commune with spirit
and focused on the target.

Words soon appeared
in ancient languages
(Chinese, Sanskrit, Koine Greek, Latin and Old Norse).

In due course,
Lepida settled the English translation
shown below.

        Supernatural phenomenon:
        indulgent, unrestrained, wanton,
        romantic, dissolute or debauched.

        All grow, plant and cultivate
        tribute, gifts or recommendations.

        Thoughtfulness and consideration
        (in the form of a homonym
        that could mean ‘departing for’ or ‘arrive at’)
        calms and pacifies …
        and cherishes women.

        False incrimination may –
        in certain circumstances –
        be associated with shamelessness, impudence, evil,
        shredding, tearing and fighting
        (lop it off).

        Abnormal events’ love or fondness?

        The Latin language, people or culture
        made the same, solitude, unity
        and that which is sincere and truthful
        the ‘way’ …
        demonstrating respect
        for the knowledge of language, the minute,
        what will come, an elephant and rice.

        From what is innate
        (in the physical world),
        the creation of love, affection and esteem
        releases and desires
        beauty, manners and goods …
        a wondering
        setting in motion
        settlement and calm.


        The foundation …
        in short.

        Those who are not used to events
        that are real
        or consequential to what is made, done or performed regularly
        are inconsistent, illogical, stupid or absurd.

        Since sight, pretext, perspective,
        honour, category and even a dream
        is wonderous or admirable,
        approaching raising or stimulating a sweetheart
        is fundamental

        An unusual fate –
        a rising privy, inspiration, poetry,
        mind, madness or violence.

        All ducks die.

        To come or arrive and rise as a woman
        is essential …
        look and see!

Upon some initial retrospection,
it appeared that ‘spirit’
wished it all to be heard.

In this case,
it was the ‘aspirations’
of the ‘one who appeared to have extra-sensory powers’
(they who were known as Psyche, Lepida or The Oracle).

Psyche laughed at the idea of Lepida’s skills
being confused with other psychics.

‘The Oracle’,
by the way,
was used by Psyche –
on occasions –
like a pseudonym.

In contrast,
Lepida could be taken,
as a name
(it can also be interpreted as ‘pleasantness’, ‘charm’ and ‘wit’
[and even ‘effeminate’]).

As for the meaning of Psyche?

One way to answer that question
would be to read their material –
they typically thought it was written
in a matter-of-fact manner
that left little scope for misinterpretation.

Another answer might be,

        “It can be read in various ways –
        including a name and a descriptor
        (such as ‘a person’
        [as it is used in the Septuagint],
        ‘animate existence’
        [or the animating principle of life],
        a disembodied spirit,
        the faculty of reason
        and even ‘a butterfly’)”.

Which response is apt,
of course,
depends –
to a degree –
on what is meant
by the question.




This work also appears in Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring (2023) where it is published with specially designed illustrations

(the color variant accompanies the literary work and the grayscale variant is shown separately [both are displayed below]).





A person, as opposed to a god

Colored variant




A person, as opposed to a god

Grayscale variant



To purchase a copy of Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring (2023) through Amazon, click on the hyperlink embedded in the

image below.




To purchase a copy, click on the

hyperlink embedded in the image

above and order through Amazon.


Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring is a coloring book

for adults with a twist. It presents timeless, relevant and

entertaining poetic commentaries with over 40 specially

designed illustrations prepared by the author using

text-to-image AI programs informed by the poetry.


Color variants of the designs appear with the poetry and

grayscale variants are shown separately. Intended to

provide an immersive and interactive meditative

experience, the collection will nourish the mind and



Beginner and advanced colorists alike will find the range

of illustrations satisfy, challenge and extend their skills –

and provide ample opportunity to reflect on the matters

explored in both the text and images.


The poetry shown includes a portion of the author’s works

that were first published in online and traditional print

anthologies and magazines including: POETiCA REViEW;

Impspired; New Note Poetry; The Antonym; Written Tales;

Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts; Wingless Dreamer

anthologies (My Glorious Quill, Garden of poets, Still, I rise,

Let’s begin again, Oxymorons and poets, Midsummer’s Eve,

War scars in my heart,  Mother, a title just above queen,

Ink the Universe, The Black Haven, Summer Fireflies,

Paranormal Whispers and Sea and Seashore); MindFull,

New World Writing; Red Door Magazine; A Poem A Day;

Mercury Retrograde; Family; and Soul.





Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 12/18/22