Life and love - innate aims of seasonal rhythms


This work was first published in The Petal Pages (2023) a Wingless Dreamer anthology that has been listed with Amazon

(the relevant link is embedded in the image below).







Life and love – innate aims of seasonal rhythms


Searching for, exploring or finding solitude

to experience or change what is fresh or new

holds and contains.


The measure of gold’s purity

is the optimal potential in each emerging moment –

flowers, beauty, fireworks, patterns, the chaotic, the messy,

hanging fruit, the ear and moving.


The mild, soft and gentle

relieves, becalms and is peaceful …

the target ‘favour and blessing flowing abundantly’.


Offering and presenting the bright and gorgeous

is the goal of rūpa (the material form) –

rich colours, brilliance, talent, applause, and good fortune is

like attaining greatness in one’s psyche …

thus, reciprocity, friendship and relationships

echo happiness, joy, laughing, love, appreciation, cures and song.


The goal summons realization and awareness

equalling the Lord and Master

‘observe, scrutinize, question, mention and write’.




Later, it will also appear in a subsequent anthology.








Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 07/31/23