The Material Form of Emotion: A Song; or,

An Ode to Feeling Rūpa


Published in Erotica of Eternity (2022) a Wingless Dreamer anthology that has been available through Amazon (the link to the

listing is embedded in the image below) – and New World Writing (February 5 [2022]), this work takes a somewhat philosophical perspective to dipping into the concept of emotions and the drama of life. The English text (shown below) arose from a creative

self-translation of some material originally prepared in Chinese.







The Material Form of Emotion: A Song; or,

An Ode to Feeling Rūpa

One's nature is the sum of emotion and expression –

poetry singing, chanting or praising verses

resembles a young heir, an idol of excellence or morbid obesity.

Yáng (陽) – essential parts and principles of the natural world –

are the sum of the Moon (and other natural satellites),

moonlight, family crests, decks of Tarot, months,

mistresses, menstrual cycles, the names of women,

low-end prostitutes, the crude, the unrefined, the hickish,

clarity, assistance and the names of men.

Unity is – first and foremost –

the beginning, the best and like the bottom string of a shamisen

(三味線: a form of three-stringed instrument).

Certain forms, conditions, designs and patterns

(those that are humble and polite)

and fate (and one’s faults) are like a ‘friend with benefits’ …

profitable benefit is clear and obvious.

The nature of one’s character, sex and gender

mixes, reconciles, pacifies, echoes and warms

emotion, love, friendship, reputation and circumstances

(that is clear and obvious).

Sexual intercourse echoing erotica: a hymn resembling Ἥλιος and Σελήνη

(Hḗlios and Selḗnē: the Sun God and the Moon Goddess) …

the same as ‘getting along’ and ‘being congenial’

overflowing with revelation, commendation and praise.

Rūpa – whether considered ‘appearance’, ‘beauty’, ‘character’, ‘the situation’ or ‘drama’ –

is like Shījīng (詩經: an ancient collection of poetry

said to have been compiled by a wise being that continues to be used in learned discourse).

Singing, chanting or praising is like highest or greatest

(perhaps, too, the most excessive)


‘Peaceful’, ‘harmonious’, ‘gentle’ and ‘kind’

is intelligent, sensible, informed and wise –

revealing, disclosing, illuminating and raising one’s voice is the same …

the manner, style, way and fashion ‘assisting, helping, evaluating and reciprocating’

(like a person who guides or leads a blind person)

is good and produces overflowing beauty, brilliance and manifestation.




This work also appears in Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring (2023) where it is published with specially designed illustrations

(the color variant accompanies the literary work and the grayscale variant is shown separately [both are displayed below]).




Peace, perfection, health, welfare and prosperity

Colored variant



Peace, perfection, health, welfare and prosperity

Grayscale variant


To purchase a copy of Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring (2023) through Amazon, click on the hyperlink embedded in the

image below.




To purchase a copy, click on the

hyperlink embedded in the image

above and order through Amazon.


Arete: Enlightening Poetry and Coloring is a coloring book

for adults with a twist. It presents timeless, relevant and

entertaining poetic commentaries with over 40 specially

designed illustrations prepared by the author using

text-to-image AI programs informed by the poetry.


Color variants of the designs appear with the poetry and

grayscale variants are shown separately. Intended to

provide an immersive and interactive meditative

experience, the collection will nourish the mind and



Beginner and advanced colorists alike will find the range

of illustrations satisfy, challenge and extend their skills –

and provide ample opportunity to reflect on the matters

explored in both the text and images.


The poetry shown includes a portion of the author’s works

that were first published in online and traditional print

anthologies and magazines including: POETiCA REViEW;

Impspired; New Note Poetry; The Antonym; Written Tales;

Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts; Wingless Dreamer

anthologies (My Glorious Quill, Garden of poets, Still, I rise,

Let’s begin again, Oxymorons and poets, Midsummer’s Eve,

War scars in my heart,  Mother, a title just above queen,

Ink the Universe, The Black Haven, Summer Fireflies,

Paranormal Whispers and Sea and Seashore); MindFull,

New World Writing; Red Door Magazine; A Poem A Day;

Mercury Retrograde; Family; and Soul.





Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 12/18/22