Astrology or brilliant wisdom


This work was first published in The Misty Cauldron (2023) a Wingless Dreamer anthology that has been listed with Amazon

(the relevant link is embedded in the image below).







Astrology or brilliant wisdom


Many seek an insight into their fortunes

by consulting the stars

believing it to be an age-old tradition.


As it happens,

it is –

and the evidence in its favour

is the same now as it has ever been …

those that adhere to empirical validation

will find it wanting

and others may see what they wish

whether it is true or otherwise

(the latter is also a time-honoured pattern).


Models, standards or examples,

copying or imitating

appearances and molds?


A glue or a paste

reminiscent of porridge

or eating gruel to allay one’s hunger.


Truly divine communication

that is eternally relevant

never fails to satisfy

and one such example follows.

To establish or cultivate

peace, harmony, kindness or temperance,

admire, appreciate and enjoy

the stage:

observation and investigation;


going sightseeing;





and maybe even Taoist temples.



Later, it will also appear in a subsequent anthology.







Copyright © Spirit of the Ages                                                              

Last modified: 06/06/23